COACH kesha

Coach Shakesha "Kesha" Watson specializes in helping you to "Master your Money" so that you are able to save money, pay down debt, increase your credit rating and unleash your financial freedom! Statistics prove that participants are more likely to reach their full potential with accountability through personal coaching. Her program is designed to provide one-on-one financial coaching services to help you achieve your personal financial goals.
She is a licensed real estate agent and obtained NCHEC certifications in Homeownership Counseling and Financial Capabilities from NeighborWorks America. She also has a bachelor's degree in Public Administration from the University of Michigan-Flint. She worked for a non-profit in Genesee County for five years as a financial coach, where she created a financial literacy onboarding curriculum that gave over 500 low to moderate-income families, basic financial literacy after an hour of orientation. Individuals who enrolled in the program saw an AVERAGE credit score increase of 75 points within 6 months of their first appointment.
Coach Kesha can assist you with all of your financial needs. She is the coach who's motto is, "No Judgement, Just Results!"
#IDoThisForReal #ProvenResults #TrainedAndCertifed #GetInTheGame
Let Coach Kesha get you in the GAME!